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Caribou Bog Donation Wall

We love to support the organizations who have entrusted their projects to NOD!

The Orono Economic Development Corporation entrusted NOD with the construction of the Caribou Bog Trail Center. NOD renovated the former Taylor Bait buildings as the Caribou Bog Outdoor Center (CBOC), a four-season, public outdoor center. The building is located off the Taylor Road in Orono and is centrally located within the Caribou Bog Conservation Area (CBCA), a nearly 7,000-acre corridor of conservation lands and extensive trails extending from the Bangor City Forest north to Old Town. The new Center will enhance the overall “experience” for Nordic skiers, mountain bikers, birder watchers, runners/walkers, and the public.

The Center provides family users an indoor facility to change, sit, picnic, and socialize, and the lower building will be used for equipment storage and ski waxing/bike tuning. The venue is designed for meetings, functions, and educational programming, with expanded parking adjacent to the new Center. Nickerson & O’Day, Inc. of Brewer was the General Contractor and the Orono Land Trust (OLT) and the Penobscot Valley Ski Club (PVSC) are partners in the interim operation of the Center. OLT owns, manages, and/or maintains most of the lands supporting the trail system, whereas PVSC provides all the equipment used for winter trail ski trail grooming. It is very successful “team effort”!

Once the project was complete NOD surprised the folks of Caribou Bog with a sizable donation to help fund the operation of the facility for years to come.

More information about the project can be found at the link below:

Fourteenth Street School History

A little piece of history… a contractor is replacing the 65-year old windows at the Fourteenth Street School for the Bangor School Dept. and found a few of the original hand-written window tags still carefully stapled to the back side of the old window frames.

NOD was the successful bidder on the project back in 1959. The project was designed by “Crowell, Lancaster, Higgins, and Webster Architects and Engineers”. This same design firm would later go on to become known as WBRC Architects & Engineers.

December 17, 2024

Tonight members and supporters of the Bangor Fire Department participated in the annual shopping spree for Toys for Tots to benefit children in Penobscot County. This year Bangor FD raised over $3,000 that they spent on gifts for children of all ages. There could not be a better cause to support during the holidays, and NOD was thrilled to be able to extend our support again this year! In addition, NOD Superintendent Josh Miller and his family were gracious to offer their assistance during the shopping spree to select age-appropriate gifts. Thanks to Bangor Fire for making sure that all of the local children have gifts under the tree on Christmas morning!

November 15, 2024

Nickerson & O’Day had the pleasure of continuing a thanksgiving tradition in our annual donation to the OHI pantry! OHI has made it their mission to support the community in a number of fantastic ways, so this is the least we can do to show our gratitude. Today some of our office staff took the afternoon to make a donation of nearly 1,000 pounds of non-perishable foods to the OHI Brewer-area food pantry.

No one ever wants to imagine a friend or neighbor being forced to make the difficult decision between paying for heating oil OR having a meal, especially around the holidays. We encourage everyone to consider supporting your local food pantry or soup kitchen. For those who would like to donate to OHI, you can reach them at 989-3200 or in-person at 222 N Main Street in Brewer.

November 13, 2024

Today our Steve Howard (Safety Director), and Wade Poulton (Executive V.P.) were at the Morgan Hill Event Center with the AGC of Maine to accept an award for our safety program. The awards are given annually based on each company’s safety performance and NOD is proud to have been in the select group of contractors that have achieved this award for three consecutive years.

We take safety seriously, not just for our own employees, but for everyone on our jobsites. It is our duty, and our promise to return our people back home in the same condition in which they began the day. Thank you to Steve Howard, who manages the safety program, and to all of the employees who are making safety a priority on the job site!

(FYI – The guys setting the trusses in the “scaffolding” photo are from a competing company and were not recognized at the awards ceremony)

November 1, 2024

This afternoon some of our team took the opportunity to go inspect the progress at the Acadia Gateway Phase 2 project. So much has changed since our last visit. The project is really coming together!

August 19, 2024

We’re thrilled to share a major milestone in our Orland Fire Station project: the topping off ceremony!

On Friday, August 16th, we marked the completion of the structural phase of this vital project by inviting those in attendance to sign their names to the final beam. Once complete, this beam will remain proudly displayed inside the fire station for the life of the facility. Marked by wonderful weather, the celebration also provided the first opportunity for firefighters, local officials, and community members to get a sneak-peak at the framework of their new station.

We’re excited for the next steps in the construction process which will include installing siding and roof panels and framing interior walls. This project has provided Nickerson & O’Day and the entire Design-Build team the opportunity to give back to those who’ve given so much to the community. We feel a great sense of gratitude towards the men and women who “answer the call” as first responders. The entire team would like to say “Thank you” to first responders who serve and protect the town of Orland, as well as all our communities around the area! Stay tuned for updates on future events as the project progresses.

April 3, 2024

On April 3rd, students from the College of the Atlantic, led by Professor Steve Thomas (formerly of “This Old House “), visited our Acadia Gateway Phase 2 project. They got a good look at the timber frame and structural insulated panels (SIPs) that are in the process of being installed now. We always enjoy meeting with the future leaders of the construction industry!